Friday, September 30, 2011

End of September Update

Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted, so I figured I'd put up an update to let you know how things are going. After my last battle report, I got some feedback that I should find tougher opponents to play against, so I started hitting some other stores in my area in search of competition. Unfortunately, everyone is starting up the Journeyman League right now, so its probably going to be a few weeks before I can get a full 35 point game in.

I had originally planned on starting a Magnus list for my store's Journeyman league, but it ended up sneaking up on me and I didn't have time to order the models. Fortunately, the pressgangers who's running it is allowing us to use whatever Warlocks and battlegroups we wanted, I decided to use it as an opportunity to practice with Kallus, as well as get some more of my Legion painted. This week was the 15 point level, and here's what I brought:

Kallus, Wrath of Everblight
Full Warmongers

Dark Guidance has been serving me well, and my Scythean and Warmongers were able to carve through pDeneghra and Jarl Skuld. I'm going to try to take this time to paint up some of the models that have been waiting for a while, so stay tuned!

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