Hey all, I'm out of town this weekend, so I thought I'd tide you over with another battle report. This time Saeryn vs. the new Gatorman Warlock, Calaban. Well, not as new anymore, but this game was actually played last December but I never got around to fleshing out the battle report! Apologies if the details are a bit sparse and/or contradictory - my memory is hazy 2 months after the game.
Because of my time spent practicing with Lylyth, trying out Rhyas, and figuring out a good new heavy, I've been feeling like my grasp of Saeryn is slipping so I thought I'd play her for a game. I also opted to proxy my Carnivean for a Scythean, to see how them measured up. Here was my list:
Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
2 Shredders
Max Warmongers
Striders + UA
2 Spell Martyrs
My opponent is actually the guy who sold me my first Legion models, now sporting the shiny new gators. Here's the list he was using:
Calaban the Gravewalker
2 Blackhide Wrastlers
Full Gatorman Posse
2 Croak Hunters
Victor Pendrake
Wrong Eye & Snap Jaw
We roll off and I win, deciding to go first.
Legion Deployment
Theres a large forest just in front of the left of my deployment zone, and a small hill to the right. I decide to deploy my beasts and Saeryn behind the forest, with my Warmongers to their left in the open and the Spell Martyrs behind them.
Gator Deployment
There is a forest to the center-left of his deployment zone, but otherwise generally an open field between the two of us. He deploys hie whole force in the middle, with the Gatormen to the left of Calaban and his beasts and Wrong Eye and Snapjaw to the right.
Legion Advance Deployment
The Striders deploy to the right side as far up as they can, hoping to get some shots at Wrong Eye to take him out early.
Gator Advance Deployment
The Croak Hunters deploy to the far left - looks like my opponent is coming around to flank me.
Legion Turn 1
I run everyone forward, hoping that my opponent will also close and give me the charge. Saeryn puts Rebirth on the Scythean, and Tenacity on herself and the Shredders.
Gator Turn 1
He immediately messes with my plan by moving most of his force right. Submerge keeps Wrong Eye safe from shooting, but looks like I'll be able to get Pendrake. The Croak Hunters come down the left side, threatening to flank me if I'm not careful, but at least I have Saeryn's DEF 18 vs. ranged to keep her safe.
Legion Turn 2
To counter his move, I also shift my forces right, still hoping he'll come into range and I can get the charge. We're away from the forested left side right now, but he doesn't have much shooting so I'm not that concerned. The Striders get lucky and are able to take out Pendrake, but no one else is close enough to take a shot.
Gator Turn 2
Tired of waiting, his Gatorman Posse runs up, forming a screening line that Calaban and the beasts (mostly) stay behind. The exception is Snapjaw, who he throws towards me with Wrong Eye following up. Scatter rolls mean the gatorbeast is in my lines, but also mean he's too far up for Rise.
Legion Turn 3
With his forces in range, I decide to test out the Warmongers. Three of them go after Snap Jaw and hurt him, while the other two kill 2 gatormen on the charge. I realize here that I've messed up - with the Warmongers in the way, the Scythean can't get at Snap Jaw. I move him close, thinking that my opponent will have to kill the Warmongers anyway just to get to my beast. I move the Seraph up and take a few shots, killing one of the croak hunters, then transfer Rebirth to it since he seems like he's in more danger. With the Striders unable to shoot anything, I run them back to form another defensive line, hoping to keep Saeryn and my heavies safe.
Gator Turn 3
Calaban feats, and in a flurry of hex blasts and bone shakers (backed up by the Carnivore'd Gatormen), completely wipes out the Warmongers, as well as a Spell Martyr and a few of the Striders - sadly, the ones blocking the Scythean. One Wrassler moves up and casts Rise on Snap Jaw, who tears apart the Scythean. Should've kept Rebirth on him! The other Wrassler tries to trample through Striders to get to the Seraph, but fails to get close enough.
Legion Turn 4
Time for the counter attack! The remaining Striders, a Shredder, and Blight Bringer finish off Wrong Eye, taking Snap Jaw with him. The Seraph and other Shredder kill the Wrassler that failed his charge, and Saeryn feats. I feel like I'm in good shape - next turn, the Seraph and a Shredder should be able to take out the remaining Wrassler, and I can use the other one to drop Blight Bringer on the remaining Gatormen, leaving just Calaban.
Gator Turn 4
Alas, its not to be. The remaining Wrastler throws a Gatorman at Saeryn for knockdown, followed up by Parasite from Calaban. The remaining Croak Hunter then steps up and kills her with a poisoned spear.
Wow, looking back on this report 2 months later, I feel so foolish. I ignored the obvious croak hunter flank, blocked my Scythean from killing Snap Jaw, moved Rebirth around unneccessarily, and completely failed to do anything useful with the Striders. On the upside, it feels good to look back and see all the mistakes I made, since it seems like I'm getting better.
Calaban is not nearly as scary as Barnabas. His feat can be devestating and he has some great buffs/debuffs, but nothing like the complete shooting immunity Barnabas has. Not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but doesn't shut down entire aspects of your army single handedly.
Because of my time spent practicing with Lylyth, trying out Rhyas, and figuring out a good new heavy, I've been feeling like my grasp of Saeryn is slipping so I thought I'd play her for a game. I also opted to proxy my Carnivean for a Scythean, to see how them measured up. Here was my list:
Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
2 Shredders
Max Warmongers
Striders + UA
2 Spell Martyrs
My opponent is actually the guy who sold me my first Legion models, now sporting the shiny new gators. Here's the list he was using:
Calaban the Gravewalker
2 Blackhide Wrastlers
Full Gatorman Posse
2 Croak Hunters
Victor Pendrake
Wrong Eye & Snap Jaw
We roll off and I win, deciding to go first.
Legion Deployment
Theres a large forest just in front of the left of my deployment zone, and a small hill to the right. I decide to deploy my beasts and Saeryn behind the forest, with my Warmongers to their left in the open and the Spell Martyrs behind them.
Gator Deployment
There is a forest to the center-left of his deployment zone, but otherwise generally an open field between the two of us. He deploys hie whole force in the middle, with the Gatormen to the left of Calaban and his beasts and Wrong Eye and Snapjaw to the right.
Legion Advance Deployment
The Striders deploy to the right side as far up as they can, hoping to get some shots at Wrong Eye to take him out early.
Gator Advance Deployment
The Croak Hunters deploy to the far left - looks like my opponent is coming around to flank me.
Legion Turn 1
I run everyone forward, hoping that my opponent will also close and give me the charge. Saeryn puts Rebirth on the Scythean, and Tenacity on herself and the Shredders.
Gator Turn 1
He immediately messes with my plan by moving most of his force right. Submerge keeps Wrong Eye safe from shooting, but looks like I'll be able to get Pendrake. The Croak Hunters come down the left side, threatening to flank me if I'm not careful, but at least I have Saeryn's DEF 18 vs. ranged to keep her safe.
Legion Turn 2
To counter his move, I also shift my forces right, still hoping he'll come into range and I can get the charge. We're away from the forested left side right now, but he doesn't have much shooting so I'm not that concerned. The Striders get lucky and are able to take out Pendrake, but no one else is close enough to take a shot.
Gator Turn 2
Tired of waiting, his Gatorman Posse runs up, forming a screening line that Calaban and the beasts (mostly) stay behind. The exception is Snapjaw, who he throws towards me with Wrong Eye following up. Scatter rolls mean the gatorbeast is in my lines, but also mean he's too far up for Rise.
Legion Turn 3
With his forces in range, I decide to test out the Warmongers. Three of them go after Snap Jaw and hurt him, while the other two kill 2 gatormen on the charge. I realize here that I've messed up - with the Warmongers in the way, the Scythean can't get at Snap Jaw. I move him close, thinking that my opponent will have to kill the Warmongers anyway just to get to my beast. I move the Seraph up and take a few shots, killing one of the croak hunters, then transfer Rebirth to it since he seems like he's in more danger. With the Striders unable to shoot anything, I run them back to form another defensive line, hoping to keep Saeryn and my heavies safe.
Gator Turn 3
Calaban feats, and in a flurry of hex blasts and bone shakers (backed up by the Carnivore'd Gatormen), completely wipes out the Warmongers, as well as a Spell Martyr and a few of the Striders - sadly, the ones blocking the Scythean. One Wrassler moves up and casts Rise on Snap Jaw, who tears apart the Scythean. Should've kept Rebirth on him! The other Wrassler tries to trample through Striders to get to the Seraph, but fails to get close enough.
Legion Turn 4
Time for the counter attack! The remaining Striders, a Shredder, and Blight Bringer finish off Wrong Eye, taking Snap Jaw with him. The Seraph and other Shredder kill the Wrassler that failed his charge, and Saeryn feats. I feel like I'm in good shape - next turn, the Seraph and a Shredder should be able to take out the remaining Wrassler, and I can use the other one to drop Blight Bringer on the remaining Gatormen, leaving just Calaban.
Gator Turn 4
Alas, its not to be. The remaining Wrastler throws a Gatorman at Saeryn for knockdown, followed up by Parasite from Calaban. The remaining Croak Hunter then steps up and kills her with a poisoned spear.
Wow, looking back on this report 2 months later, I feel so foolish. I ignored the obvious croak hunter flank, blocked my Scythean from killing Snap Jaw, moved Rebirth around unneccessarily, and completely failed to do anything useful with the Striders. On the upside, it feels good to look back and see all the mistakes I made, since it seems like I'm getting better.
Calaban is not nearly as scary as Barnabas. His feat can be devestating and he has some great buffs/debuffs, but nothing like the complete shooting immunity Barnabas has. Not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but doesn't shut down entire aspects of your army single handedly.
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