Friday, May 13, 2011

Battle Report: Rhyas vs. Gunnbjorn

Hey guys, sorry its been a while since my last post - May is turning out to be a busy month! While I've been working on a bunch of stuff for my army, a lot of it is still "in progress", mostly due to the fact that I don't have much time. Hopefully I'll get more of it done by the end of the month. In the meantime, here's a battle report from the league!

One things I've noticed is that almost all of my games go the same way: I  use superior speed and range to dismantle the opponent's army piece by piece, finishing off the Warcaster last. However, many people say Everblight is an assassination army, so with that in mind, I'm trying the following list, hoping to win by caster kill:

Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight
Striders + UA
Full Warmongers
Warmonger War Chief
The Forsaken

I'm hoping that on Rhyas' feat turn, the Seraph will Slipstream the Scythean forward so he can charge something, teleport behind it, and then crush the enemy caster. Assuming the thing he hits is a Heavy Warbeast, thats a total of 19" threat range! (2" Slipstrem + 9" Charge + 2" Reach + 2" Enemy base + 2" Scythean base + 2" Reach)

I've been doing really well at my store's league, so the Press Ganger decided he wanted to bring me down a peg. He normally play Khador, but brought his Trolls this league:

Captain Gunnbjorn
-Earthborn Dire Troll
-Dire Troll Bomber
-Troll Impaler
Full Fennblades + UA
Fell Caller Hero
Trollblood Skinner

He won the roll, but decided I would go first.


Everblight Deployment
I placed my Scythean and Seraph directly behind the forest, figuring they could take advantage of the blocked line of sight. The Shredder deployed directly to their left, and Rhyas and the Forsaken were placed directly behind the beasts. The Warmongers and Warchief deployed in the center of the board.

Troll Deployment
Gunnbjorn and his beasts deployed behind the hill, probably hoping to run to it on turn 1 and get the elevation bonus against my Striders. The Fennblades and Fell Caller deployed to their right, across from my beasts. I've got to be careful that I don't get tied up by them, since that'll ruin my assassination plans.

Everblight Advance Deployment
As my opponent has very little shooting and I'm going first, I deploy the Striders in a line directly across from the Fennblades, their intended target.

Troll Advance Deployment
The Skinner deploys on the far left, hoping to to avoid the Striders and getting to my beasts.

Everblight Turn 1
The Striders advance straight forward and try to shoot the Fennblades, but fall short. They reform into a scattered formation to avoid the Bomber's 4" AOEs. Rhyas activates and casts Slipstream, Dash, and Rapport on Seraph before moving forward, pulling the Seraph with her. The Warmongers and Warchief then run forward, making it about halfway up the board thanks to the speed boost from dash. The Seraph slipstreams the Scythean forward as it moves, and places itself in front of Rhyas. The Scythean ran forward to the forest and riled for 1, and the Shredder moved up, gave the Seraph Tenacity, and riled for 1.

Trolls Turn 1
The Earthborn and the Impaler ran forward onto the hill as projected. Gunnbjorn gave Snipe to the Bomber and Far Strike to himself before moving up and boosting hit and damage rolls on the Warchief to kill him. The Bomber moved up and tried to shoot the Striders and managed to bring down 1. My opponent then realized he'd forgotten to put up a rock wall, so under he had the Fell Caller give the Fennblades Pathfinder before he ran forward with them. The Fennblades positioned themselves to block the charge from my Scythean to the Earthborn, but they were in perfect position for my Warmongers...

Everblight Turn 2
Its a bit early, but I really like the potential damage the Warmongers can do and decide its worth a shot. Rhyas activates and casts Dash so she can move through the forest to Slipstream the Seraph forward before using her feat. The Striders then activate, and each manages to injure a Fennblade, though two of the seven make their tough rolls. Fortunately, they're knocked down, leaving the Officer open. Thanks to Slipstream the Seraph can stand and shoot, and rolling max shots on his breath allows me to kill off both the leader and 2 more grunts. The Warmongers then activate, most charging the Fennblades and 1 getting through to the Earthborn thanks to reach. What ensues is utter carnage. Thanks to Beserk and the extra attack from Rhyas' feat, the Warmongers carve through the 3 Fennblades before diving into the Bomber, Imapler, Earthborn, and even Gunnbjorn. By the end,  both Dire Trolls are at half health, and even Gunnbjorn has taken 6 damage. Best of all, the Bomber, Impaler, and Gunnbjorn are engaged, keeping them from shooting next turn.

Trolls Turn 2
My opponent is reeling from the damage the Warmongers did, but tries to pull his force back together. The Fennblades Vengeance move does almost nothing since most are dead or knocked down, so the Impaler first tries to kill the Warmonger engaging Gunnbjorn, but bad rolls mean the Ogrun survives. The Fell Caller then stands up the Fennblades before moving up and finishing the Ogrun off, and the rest of his team meets the same fate due to the Earthborn and Bomber. Gunnbjorn remembers Rockwall this time and puts it up in front of the Earthborn, then moves to the right and takes a shot at my Seraph, but misses due to the forest. The Fennblades then charge my forces, hoping to tie them down to keep Gunnbjorn safe.

Everblight Turn 3
I'm faced with a choice: I can have Rhyas move towards the Scythean, slipstream him forward, and finish off the Earthborn and Bomber; or I can have her move forward, slipstream the Seraph up, and go for Gunnbjorn. Curse you, 10" control range! Well, I'm supposed to be practicing assasination, and with Rapport on the Seraph and no fury on Gunnbjorn, this is as good a shot as I'll ever get! Rhyas casts Dash and Slipstream before charging the Fennblades holding down the Seraph, cutting them to ribbons as the Seraph slides forward. It charges Gunnbjorn, and I boost to hit on the charge attack, hoping for a critical. Alas, it is not to be, but even 3 dice is enough to bring the troll down to 3 health. I buy another attack and boost the hit, and though I once again fail to get a crit, it does enough to finish off Gunnbjorn, who obliges me and fails his tough check.

That was an exciting game, particularly since I got great use out of models that normally don't do much. My opponent was caught off guard by the Warmongers and Rhyas' feat, which allowed me to do a lot of damage and mess up his game plan pretty badly. While the Seraph was solid in melee, I was pretty annoyed that I still haven't gotten a critical with him. The last time he was in this situation he was trying to finish off Barnabas in a tournament, and a critical would've sealed the game, but the 40% refused to come up. Ah well, I guess I'll just have to keep trying!

1 comment:

  1. I've had about the same success with Seraph in doesn't do bad, but that Poison never turns up to make her performance Good.

    Interesting Rhyas list. I've been thinking on Rhyas as a counter to my Absy T4 list, but can't come up with something that feels right. However, I have just found rumors that she's getting a new Tier list, which looks pretty respectable!

    Enjoy, and thanks for the report!
