Hey guys, another battle report, ready to go! This game was a battle box match against Cryx. The Cryx player is my friend who normally plays Cygnar. She's a big fan of Haley, so decided to give her twin sister a go. I won the roll and opted to go first.
Legion Deployment
The terrain was several buildings scattered around the table, with a large aisle in the center. I figured most of the fighting would take place there, so I put my Carnivean in the center, with 2 Shredders on each side and Lylyth right behind him.
Cryx Deployment
My opponent puts Deneghra, the Slayer, and one Deathripper in the middle, and put the other Deathripper and the Defiler a bit to the left, on the other side of a house. I imagine she was hoping to flank me with them and use their arc nodes to get at my Warlock.
Legion Turn 1
The Carnivean walks forward, and Lylyth follows close behind after casting Spiny Growth on 2 Shredders. All the Shredders then run forward. They're at the middle of the board, so should be in charge range of pretty much anything if my opponent moves up.
Cryx Turn 1
The Slayer runs straight forward, but the center Deathripper is a bit more cautious, staying back a little. As I predicted, the two bonejacks on the right move around the house, looking at my left flank. Deneghra moves up a bit, but stays far enough back that going for her is out of the question.
Legion Turn 2
With so much in range, its party time! Lylyth moves around the Carnivean to the right, lining up a shot through the Shredders. She then pops her feat and shoots at the Slayer, boosting to hit just to be sure. The arrow lands, and through it I channel Parasite. The Carnivean then walks up, carefully positioning himself to block line of sight from the flanking bonejacks to Lylyth, and uses his breath on the Slayer, boosting to hit. The damage softens it up, and two of my Shredders go rabid and walk up for the kill. The other two Shredders also go rabid and charge the Deathripper in the center, taking out half its boxes but not managing to kill it.
Cryx Turn 2
The crazy thing about battle box games is how quickly things can swing. Seeing half her points taken out, my opponent brings Deneghra up and pops her feat before taking a swing at one of the unengaged Shredders, wounding it but failing to kill. She then tries to use persuasion to get the other Shredder to finish off its ally, but with the beast fails to hit. The flanking bonejacks both get 3 focus, and the Deathripper charges in, killing the unwounded Shredder in a bloody barrage of attacks. The Defiler moves up and spews acid over the Carnivean, doing a few points of damage. The wounded Deathripper takes a swing at one of the Shredders, but with its head damaged, it fails to hit.
Legion Turn 3
I feel like I'm in great position, but I don't want to get too cocky - Deneghra's feat is active, and one wrong move and Lylyth is toast. Unfortunately, only one of the Shredders fighting the injured Deathripper frenzies, and rolls too low to do any damage with Deneghra's feat up. The other Shredder tries to make an attack, but misses, not surprising considering its abysmal MAT of 3 under the feat. The other Shredder turns around and does a bit of damage to the other Deathripper, and the Carnivean walks up to the Defiler and reduces it to scrap. Lylyth moves to the Carnivean is between her and Deneghra, then puts Spiny Growth on herself and the heavy beast.
Cryx Turn 3
The endless melee between the two Shredders and the Deathripper continues, with the Deathripper unable to hit the warbeasts now that Deneghra's feat is over. Its companion has a bit more luck and manages to destroy the Shredder engaged with Deneghra. The Cryxian witch then falls back, wanting to avoid the wrath of the Carnivean.
Legion Turn 4
Thankfully the Shredder that didn't frenzy last turn does so this turn, doing a bit more damage to the Deathripper. The Carnivean engages the other one and tears it apart, and Lylyth moves closer to the remaining Shredders, bringing them into control range and allowing the one that didn't frenzy this turn to go rabid, finishing off the last Cryxian jack.
My opponent tried running a bit with Denny, but when it became clear I was just going to run her down with rabid Shredders until the Carnivean could catch up, she forfeited.
Overall a pretty relaxing game. Its been a while since I've had all 4 Shredders on the board, but theres nothing like seeing a few of them take out a Parasited Heavy. Once again, Lylyth small control radius is a massive pain, as the Shredders fighting the Deathripper took way too long since I accidentally moved her too far away from them. Once I took out the Slayer though my opponent had no way to deal with the Carnivean, allowing me to scrap jack after jack pretty much for free, and leading to her defeat.
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