Another harrowing battle report, this time against an infantry heavy Khador army! I'm still feeling out Lylyth, but this time I brought along the Forsaken instead of a Shredder for better Fury management:
Max Warspears
Striders + UA
Spell Martyr
My opponent was playing the infamous Winter Guard Death Star:
War Dog
Full Winter Guard + UA + 3 Rocketeers
Greylord Ternion
Aiyanna & Holt
Kovnik Joe
2 Manhunters
Once again, I'm impressively outnumbered, but it wouldn't be Legion if I wasn't! He won the roll off and opted to go first.
Khador Deployment
There is a small hill centered directly in front of his deployment zone, a large forest to the right a little bit up, and a small obsticle on the left. He puts Beast-09 in the middle, and Scorsha and her puppy behind him. The winterguard go to the left in tight formation (I'm hoping they stay that way so my Carnivean can spray them to death!) along with the Kovnik. The Greylords are scattered behind the front line.
Legion Deployment
I have a large hill to my right, and a small forest a few inches in front of my deployment. The Carnivean and Seraph go directly between the two, with Lylyth and the Forsaken behind them. The Shredder goes to their left and the Warspears and Spell Martyr to their right.
Khador Advance Deployment
One manhunter deploys as far as possible on each side of the armies.
Legion Advance Deployment
The Striders set up just on the edge of the hill to my left.
Khador Turn 1
Pretty much everyone runs forward. The winterguard spread out a bit, and the Greylords scatter, one team going left and one going right. Beast-09 moves straight forward. The Manhunters run forward, the left one getting cover from the obsticle and the right hiding behind the forest close to me. Scorsha gives the winterguard desperate pace and iron flesh, and they bob and weave forward for an impressive defense of 17!
Legion Turn 1
The Striders move atop the hill and using hunter take out the left Manhunter, while the Seraph slipstreams the Carnivean forward while moving right and taking out the right one. First blood to Legion! The Warspears run up and form a line between the hill and the forest, and the rest of my army advances up behind it. Lylyth puts Spiny Growth on herself and the Seraph, and the Carnivean puts it on himself.
Khador Turn 2
Theres a distinct no-man's-land between the two armies, but my opponent feels confident in his Winterguard and has them once again bob and weave forward into it. They take a few shots, but can't get through the Strider's stealth or the Warmonger's armor. Beast-09 walks forward into their midst, providing a decent deterrent for anyone engaging them. Everyone else moves up a bit, staying behind the winterguard line, with Kovnik Joe giving them tough.
Legion Turn 2
With most of his army in range, its time for some mayhem! The Spell Martyr activates first, running through the forest to get sight on the Winterguard. Lylyth then activates, using her feat and arcing Eruption of Spines onto the winterguard (boosting to hit of course). She manages to hit and get 5 extra targets, 4 more winterguard and Beast. 4 of the 5 total winterguard fail their tough checks and bite the dust, while beast in unharmed. The Seraph moves to the side and strafes at Beast, but only gets 2 shots. One goes to the knocked down winterguard, who bites the dust, and I boost the damage roll on the other to put a few points on the 'jack. The Warspears then activate, assaulting Beast. Though only 3 can fit in melee range, they do some serious damage, but sadly only manage to out his left arm (the open fist, not the axe). The Striders move up and CRA into the Winterguard, but only take 2 more down thanks to some good tough checks and poor rolling on my part. The Carnivean moves up in front of Lylyth and uses Spiny Growth, while the Shredder moves forward and the Forsaken hangs behind the Seraph.
Khador Turn 3
I've managed to pull the teeth out of the winterguard, but its time for retaliation. Beast uses his link with Scorsha to freeze the Warspears engaged with him, but it doesn't end up mattering as he moves up and Threshers, taking out 4 of them and leaving one with only 1 box! The winterguard moves up and bring some revenge to the Striders, taking down 4 of them with some help from a Greylord, though they pass their command check. The Widowmakers move up the kill the poor Shredder, along with some help from Holt.
Legion Turn 3
I've lost my units so I'm even more outnumbered now, but I've managed to seriously injure the main hitters in his army. The Seraph moves first and reduces Beast-09 to scrap with shooting, and the Striders move up and kill they Greylord as well as another 2 Winterguard. Lylyth moves partially behind the Seraph and takes out a pair of Widowmakers. The Forsaken behind the Seraph and pulls the fury off the beast, and the Carnivean assaults Kovnik Joe, falling short but spraying the Kovnik, Scorsha, and her dog! Unforuntately he gets counter-charged by the dog, which costs him his breath attack. He drops Spiny Growth on himself and hopes to weather the the counter-attack, but I'm feeling confident since my opponents main hitters are down.
Khador Turn 4
Deciding its now or never, my opponent sets up and assassination run for Scorsha. The winterguard first clear out the remaining striders, then the Greylords Ice Cage the Carnivean, making him stationary (there was an error here - my opponent mistook Joe for another greylord, and would not have been able to make the Carnivean stationary). Aiyanna and Holt move up, and though she needs an 8 to harm Lylyth, she manages to get it. Scorsha then uses Cyclone to jump next to the Carnivean, and charges Lylyth, just getting into reach range. Pops feat, then boosts attacks and though the first hit misses, the second critical hits, making me stationary! Thankfully the damage is low enough for Lylyth to survive, but I'm forced to transfer off the next hit. I'm out of fury now though, and one of the widowmakers just makes line of sight to Lylyth and finishes her.
What a crazy game! I almost got around to tearing into Scorsha, but then my opponent remembered the extra damage from Harm on the Widowmaker's shot, which was enough to finish me. Normally I complain about Lylyth, but this time I was definitely the one at fault. She was the best caster for the fight, helping get around the DEF 17 Winterguard. I really should've moved the Forsaken in front of Lylyth instead of behind the Seraph - blocking LOS to your caster is always a good idea. Even had my opponent not gone for the assassination I was in great shape, with both my heavies against a field of infantry not really equipped to deal with them. I also didn't know my opponent's army that well, which led to a few errors. The most obvious was not knowing Scorsha's assassination range, but I also didn't realize Beast-09 had reach and thresher. Had I, I probably would've just used the Warspears to make ranged attacks and had the Shredder run up to tie up the jack for another turn. Still, it took some model confusion as well as 2 40% rolls (Aiyanna hitting with harm, Scorsha critical freezing) for me to lose, so I'm feeling better about my play!
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