I'm traveling for work this week, so no time to game. However, I did get several more games in last week that I'll summarize. All 3 were against people who had played a while, so it was nice to test my skills against people who weren't making as many mistakes.
vs. Skorne
My first game against a Hordes army. He was playing a tier 4 Epic Morghul list, with 2 units of blood runners and a bunch of warbeasts. Overall, I was severely outnumbered, and using advance deployment a lot of his stuff moved up the field really quickly. He managed to get the charge on my guys and pretty much took me apart on turn 2. My Carnivean died to Morghul, and with his feat Thagrosh was unable to take him down. As an army thats used to getting the charge, it was pretty rough to be charged, and I definitely understand why people call Legion a glass cannon - if you don't get the first hit, you're in a lot of trouble.
vs. Retribution
This game was part of the Blighted Shadows wrap-up, and turned into a pretty brutal match. Though Blight Bringer helped me clear out several solos an cripple his units, I was once again badly outnumbered. This time I put all my guys on the far right to defend a flank, and manage to fair pretty well. Respawn kept my Carnivean in the game till the end, and he managed to kill Garreth at the last moment, when only Saeryn, the Carnivean, Garreth and Eurydae were left.
vs. Cygnar
This Cyngarian opponent was much better than my normal one - he was running Kara Sloan, and ended up taking my army apart piece by piece. Looking back, I should have rushed everyone forward, since my sending them in one at a time, I let my opponent focus all his fire on each one. Sadly this was also part of the Blighted Shadows finale, so I had to take Saeryn again. I would have preferred using Thagrosh, as Rabid Shredders could run forward, then activate again for a total of 24" range, enough to catch Sloan.
The main thing that came up in all the games was how small my army is in comparison. Fixing that will be difficult - I may invest in some Legionnaires or the new Grotesques, since they are about 1/2 a point per model if you buy the maximum. At this point, playing refused flank (putting all my forces together to face one part of the enemy army) seems viable, especially if I get some Ogrun, as once my beasts take a unit or two apart, they can move in to take hits. Also, getting to know enemy armies should help me better prepare for them.
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