Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Striders complete!

At long last, my Striders are complete!
Whew, getting through those guys was pretty tough! I'm really happy my next unit is Ogrun - they're bigger, so hopefully a bit easier to do, and there are only 5 of them as opposed to 8.

I've also picked up a few new models - first off, Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight:

I'm a big fan of Rhyas, as she brings a strong "ninja" vibe to the table. Sadly, she's also apparently the weakest of Everblight's warlocks and one of the weakest in the game, and to make matters worse, she is best at supporting infantry (which I only have a few of) in particular Swordsmen (which I don't have any of). It still seems like she could be an interesting by trying an assassination using her feat though - rabid Shredders will fully boost the extra attack, Seraph helps move things into range, and the Carnivean has a nice little trick where he can two-handed throw a model at the enemy caster, teleport into base-to-base with it (and the caster hopefully), then start wailing on the knocked down caster. Rhyas herself is no slouch, with Critical Decapitation and Acrobatics to help move straight through enemy models to take the kill. While not the traditional Rhyas army, I look foward to trying her out in a few games.

The other models I picked up aren't actually Warmachine/Hordes; they come from Soda Pop Miniatures, and their new game, Relic Knights. Here's Suicide Queen and her familiar, Rollo:
I bought them because in the fluff, Rollo brings luck. I'm hoping that placing him on the table when I make critical die rolls will help them come out in my favor! While I didn't plan on using Suicide Queen, she seems like she'll be a helpful stand-in for Strider Deathstalkers, or possible the Blackfrost Shard. I've been itching to try the latter out, but the only models I can use for them are Lylyth, Rhyas, and Saeryn, meaning I'd have to use them with Thagrosh. Suicide Queen can now sub in for whichever caster I'm using!
Soda Pop seems like an interesting new group - apparently, they've got some really talented people and have even gotten attention from Penny Arcade. You should check them out.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm last thing I remember about Reahs is my 'lock dead on feat turn. Yeah she is squishy, but that is it.
