Hey guys, time for another battle report. This one was between two faction commanders - Epic Thagrosh and Epic Stryker. My opponent started playing a few months before I did, and is getting good enough that some of the local tournament players are starting to take notice. I'm nervious since he's crushed me mercilessly in the past, but this time I've got the Messiah on my side:
Epic Thagrosh
-4 Shredders
Striders + UA
Spell Martyr
With half my Shredders being stripped, I couldn't run my standard Shredder-heavy list, so I decided to try running two heavies and see how Epic Thagrosh does.
The Cygnar force looked like this:
Epic Stryker
-Ol' Rowdy
Stormblades + UA
-3 Storm Gunners
Black 13th
Journeyman Warcaster
Victor Pendrake
Rhupert Carvolo
Wow, thats a lot of solos! Also, my hated enemies - the Black 13th. Stupid 3-man character units and their incredible power. My opponent wins the roll and goes first.
The map was a bit crazy - there was a giant hill over most of it, as well as a river that we decided to play as a gorge - difficult terrain, and costs 1" to climb out. Here's a picture in my favorite art software, Paint:
The Stormblades deploy in center, with Stryker, Ol' Rowdy, the Squire, and Rhupert behind them. The Journeyman deploys to their right, and the Lancer is placed on the far right side of the hill. The Black 13th and Pendrake deploy on the left.
I form a line of 2 Shredders, Carnivean, Scythean, 2 Shredders on the left side, and put Thagrosh and the Spell Martyr behind them. The Striders advance deploy in 2 lines of 4 on the right side - I want them as far away from the Black 13th as possible. The Stormblades use their advance move to walk straight up.
Cygnar Turn 1
The Journeyman gives the Stormblades Arcane Shield, and the Piper grants them March, allowing them to run up to the edge of the gorge, with their supporters close behind. The Black 13th and Pendrake also run straight forward, as does the Lancer on the opposite side of the giant hill. Stryker moves left towards the B13 and casts Deflection, boosting the Stormblades to an incredible ARM 20 vs range! Gotta figure out a plan to deal with them or he can use them to walk right through my army. Stryker then puts up a Lightning Storm to block line of sight to him, and Ol' Rowdy and the Squire run up after him, the jack moving in front to keep me from trying an early assassination.
Legion Turn 1
The Striders move forward, and try a 3-man CRA on one Stormblade, but I forgot about Deflection and need an 8 to kill him, which doesn't happen. The other 5 Striders combine and manage to take one Stormblade out - first blood! They then scatter, hoping that anyone who comes after them will engage only the few in front. The beasts all run forward, and Thagrosh follows behind, giving the Carnivean, Scythean and himself Spiny Growth. The Spell Martyr runs up behind the Scythean, trying to keep out of sight.
Cygnar Turn 2
Stormblades get March and assault, and while a few go for the Striders, half the unit takes aim at the Carnivean. Despite the +2 ARM from Spiny Growth, he takes 12 points of damage, though thankfully its spread out so no aspects are lost. One of my Shredders also takes 2 shots, losing his mind and body aspects. 3 of the Striders die to shots and Combined Melee Attacks. Stryker and Rowdy move forward into the ditch, Stryker once again putting up Deflection and Lightning Storm, then using his feat. The Black 13th move forward, with Ryan moving into the gorge, but my opponent forgets about Stealth on the Striders she misses her first attack. Watts is able to take one down thanks to mage sight, but the remaining attack all fall short of other targets. The Squire runs up behind Stryker, and the Lancer runs forward into the gorge.
Stryker's feat then triggers, and hell breaks loose. The Stromblades move up, engaging the Striders and killing 2 with CMAs. Thankfully the unit passes its command check. One moves to the left behind the wall, and I discover why when Stryker and Rowdy move up out of the gorge, and the Stormblade is now right in the path of Rowdy. The rest of his army just moves up.
Legion Turn 2
I'm hurting badly, but there's a glimmer of hope - with Stryker on this side of the gorge, I can try to use my feat to take him out. Thagrosh activates first, using Manifest Destiny and his feat and healing the wounded Shredder. I then slide right - if this assasination fails, I don't want to be anywhere NEAR Stryker. The wounded Shredder then goes Rabid and charges the Stormblade guarding Rowdy, but the jack countercharges and squishes my beast. I then try to move the other Shredder on the left up to finish the Stormblade, but I'm just short and can't get close enough because of the wall. One of the Shredders on the right goes Rabid and moves up to take down a pair of the Stormblades that ganged up to kill a Strider, and the Scythean charges Ol' Rowdy. With a flurry of attacks and Bloodbath, it takes down both the jack and the Stormblade, opening the path to Stryker. The Carnivean moves up and sprays at the Warcaster, doing a few points of damage, and the last Shredder goes Rabid and runs, getting into range for the feat. The Spell Martyr retreats, trying to get in the way of anything going after Thagrosh. The unengaged Striders pull back and shoot down another Stormblade, while the lone Strider still engaged gets lucky and takes another one down with his sword, forcing a command check, which sadly they pass. They all reform into melee with the Stormblades, hoping to keep them tied down and away from Thagrosh.
My feat triggers, and now its time for some vengeance! The two Shredders closest to Stryker move up and bring him down to 6 health! Unfortunately, my heavies don't do as well - the Scythean misses, and the Carnivean can't get into range. I make a mistake here - I didn't realize Stryker had reach, and while the Carnivean can't get to him, he can get to the Carnivean! The last Shredder moves back to protect Thagrosh, since there's no way I'm going to get into melee with Stryker.
Cygnar Turn 3
My opponent is reeling - in one turn he lost half his Stormblades and Ol' Rowdy, and Stryker is surrounded. He activates Pendrake first, giving the Black 13th Beast Lore. The gunmage team then use the boost to kill one of the Shredders attacking Stryker, as well as the Spell Martyr, leaving just the Shredder protecting Thagrosh. The Journeyman and Lancer move up and try to remove the Striders, but DEF 15 keeps me safe. With just the Stormblades left to hit Thagrosh, my opponent activates Stryker to try to remove my transfer targets. He only uses 1 die, rolling 5 for POW and 3 for damage, leaving him at 3 hp! He then burns through his fury to kill both the Carnivean and Scythean, but rolls snake eyes with his last attack on the Shredder! Thagrosh is now sitting on full fury thanks to all the beasts that died this turn. The Stormblades try to go for broke, and the ones that can assault Thagrosh and the Shredder guarding him. The Strider fail their free strikes, and the Shredder bites the dust. Thagrosh himself even takes 6 damage, and spawns another Shredder. The remaining Stormblades use their activation to finish off the Striders.
Legion Turn 3
I'm down to 2 Shredders and Thagrosh, but I just need to put 3 points of damage on Stryker! The Shredder still engaged with him frenzies, but misses his attack. Thagrosh then moves out of melee with the one Stormblade engaging him, transferring the free strike damage to the Shredder that frenzied. He sprays his breath at Stryker, boosting to hit and scoring a critical! With Stryker frozen, the game is all but over, and boosting the damage I take him out without even activating the other model left in my army.
My opponent predicted it would be a bloody game, and it certainly was! While I was really concerned about the Stormblades at the time, I realize now that they formed the bulk of my opponent's force - without them all he really had was support pieces. While the heavy warbeasts were certainly powerful, they didn't get as much from Thagrosh's feat as Shredders, mainly since even under Manifest Destiny, they still struggle to hit DEF 16 that most Warcasters have without the boost. Overall, this was one of the closest games I've ever played!
Epic Thagrosh
-4 Shredders
Striders + UA
Spell Martyr
With half my Shredders being stripped, I couldn't run my standard Shredder-heavy list, so I decided to try running two heavies and see how Epic Thagrosh does.
The Cygnar force looked like this:
Epic Stryker
-Ol' Rowdy
Stormblades + UA
-3 Storm Gunners
Black 13th
Journeyman Warcaster
Victor Pendrake
Rhupert Carvolo
Wow, thats a lot of solos! Also, my hated enemies - the Black 13th. Stupid 3-man character units and their incredible power. My opponent wins the roll and goes first.
The map was a bit crazy - there was a giant hill over most of it, as well as a river that we decided to play as a gorge - difficult terrain, and costs 1" to climb out. Here's a picture in my favorite art software, Paint:
The Stormblades deploy in center, with Stryker, Ol' Rowdy, the Squire, and Rhupert behind them. The Journeyman deploys to their right, and the Lancer is placed on the far right side of the hill. The Black 13th and Pendrake deploy on the left.
I form a line of 2 Shredders, Carnivean, Scythean, 2 Shredders on the left side, and put Thagrosh and the Spell Martyr behind them. The Striders advance deploy in 2 lines of 4 on the right side - I want them as far away from the Black 13th as possible. The Stormblades use their advance move to walk straight up.
Cygnar Turn 1
The Journeyman gives the Stormblades Arcane Shield, and the Piper grants them March, allowing them to run up to the edge of the gorge, with their supporters close behind. The Black 13th and Pendrake also run straight forward, as does the Lancer on the opposite side of the giant hill. Stryker moves left towards the B13 and casts Deflection, boosting the Stormblades to an incredible ARM 20 vs range! Gotta figure out a plan to deal with them or he can use them to walk right through my army. Stryker then puts up a Lightning Storm to block line of sight to him, and Ol' Rowdy and the Squire run up after him, the jack moving in front to keep me from trying an early assassination.
Legion Turn 1
The Striders move forward, and try a 3-man CRA on one Stormblade, but I forgot about Deflection and need an 8 to kill him, which doesn't happen. The other 5 Striders combine and manage to take one Stormblade out - first blood! They then scatter, hoping that anyone who comes after them will engage only the few in front. The beasts all run forward, and Thagrosh follows behind, giving the Carnivean, Scythean and himself Spiny Growth. The Spell Martyr runs up behind the Scythean, trying to keep out of sight.
Cygnar Turn 2
Stormblades get March and assault, and while a few go for the Striders, half the unit takes aim at the Carnivean. Despite the +2 ARM from Spiny Growth, he takes 12 points of damage, though thankfully its spread out so no aspects are lost. One of my Shredders also takes 2 shots, losing his mind and body aspects. 3 of the Striders die to shots and Combined Melee Attacks. Stryker and Rowdy move forward into the ditch, Stryker once again putting up Deflection and Lightning Storm, then using his feat. The Black 13th move forward, with Ryan moving into the gorge, but my opponent forgets about Stealth on the Striders she misses her first attack. Watts is able to take one down thanks to mage sight, but the remaining attack all fall short of other targets. The Squire runs up behind Stryker, and the Lancer runs forward into the gorge.
Stryker's feat then triggers, and hell breaks loose. The Stromblades move up, engaging the Striders and killing 2 with CMAs. Thankfully the unit passes its command check. One moves to the left behind the wall, and I discover why when Stryker and Rowdy move up out of the gorge, and the Stormblade is now right in the path of Rowdy. The rest of his army just moves up.
Legion Turn 2
I'm hurting badly, but there's a glimmer of hope - with Stryker on this side of the gorge, I can try to use my feat to take him out. Thagrosh activates first, using Manifest Destiny and his feat and healing the wounded Shredder. I then slide right - if this assasination fails, I don't want to be anywhere NEAR Stryker. The wounded Shredder then goes Rabid and charges the Stormblade guarding Rowdy, but the jack countercharges and squishes my beast. I then try to move the other Shredder on the left up to finish the Stormblade, but I'm just short and can't get close enough because of the wall. One of the Shredders on the right goes Rabid and moves up to take down a pair of the Stormblades that ganged up to kill a Strider, and the Scythean charges Ol' Rowdy. With a flurry of attacks and Bloodbath, it takes down both the jack and the Stormblade, opening the path to Stryker. The Carnivean moves up and sprays at the Warcaster, doing a few points of damage, and the last Shredder goes Rabid and runs, getting into range for the feat. The Spell Martyr retreats, trying to get in the way of anything going after Thagrosh. The unengaged Striders pull back and shoot down another Stormblade, while the lone Strider still engaged gets lucky and takes another one down with his sword, forcing a command check, which sadly they pass. They all reform into melee with the Stormblades, hoping to keep them tied down and away from Thagrosh.
My feat triggers, and now its time for some vengeance! The two Shredders closest to Stryker move up and bring him down to 6 health! Unfortunately, my heavies don't do as well - the Scythean misses, and the Carnivean can't get into range. I make a mistake here - I didn't realize Stryker had reach, and while the Carnivean can't get to him, he can get to the Carnivean! The last Shredder moves back to protect Thagrosh, since there's no way I'm going to get into melee with Stryker.
Cygnar Turn 3
My opponent is reeling - in one turn he lost half his Stormblades and Ol' Rowdy, and Stryker is surrounded. He activates Pendrake first, giving the Black 13th Beast Lore. The gunmage team then use the boost to kill one of the Shredders attacking Stryker, as well as the Spell Martyr, leaving just the Shredder protecting Thagrosh. The Journeyman and Lancer move up and try to remove the Striders, but DEF 15 keeps me safe. With just the Stormblades left to hit Thagrosh, my opponent activates Stryker to try to remove my transfer targets. He only uses 1 die, rolling 5 for POW and 3 for damage, leaving him at 3 hp! He then burns through his fury to kill both the Carnivean and Scythean, but rolls snake eyes with his last attack on the Shredder! Thagrosh is now sitting on full fury thanks to all the beasts that died this turn. The Stormblades try to go for broke, and the ones that can assault Thagrosh and the Shredder guarding him. The Strider fail their free strikes, and the Shredder bites the dust. Thagrosh himself even takes 6 damage, and spawns another Shredder. The remaining Stormblades use their activation to finish off the Striders.
Legion Turn 3
I'm down to 2 Shredders and Thagrosh, but I just need to put 3 points of damage on Stryker! The Shredder still engaged with him frenzies, but misses his attack. Thagrosh then moves out of melee with the one Stormblade engaging him, transferring the free strike damage to the Shredder that frenzied. He sprays his breath at Stryker, boosting to hit and scoring a critical! With Stryker frozen, the game is all but over, and boosting the damage I take him out without even activating the other model left in my army.
My opponent predicted it would be a bloody game, and it certainly was! While I was really concerned about the Stormblades at the time, I realize now that they formed the bulk of my opponent's force - without them all he really had was support pieces. While the heavy warbeasts were certainly powerful, they didn't get as much from Thagrosh's feat as Shredders, mainly since even under Manifest Destiny, they still struggle to hit DEF 16 that most Warcasters have without the boost. Overall, this was one of the closest games I've ever played!
just one thing: the Stormblades can't use CMA on the Feat-Attack as CMA only works during the Activation of the Unit