Another Battle Report in the "Choose between Heavies" saga. This one, however, has an ulterior goal. After seeing how terribly my play was with Saeryn and realizing I've probably fallen even more out of practice with her, I've decided to try playing with her a few times, both to see how the Scythean and Ravagore work with her as well as get more practice in. Since I've heard she pairs well with a Scythean, I put together the following list:
-Nephilim Soldier
Striders + UA
2 Spell Martyrs
I went up against a Cygnar player - not the Haley fan I normally play against, but a more experianced player from another store. He was also trying out a new Warcaster, Prime Caine:
Full Stormguard
Full Storm Lances
Black 13th
Surprisingly range-light for Cygnar. We'll see how this shapes up.
There were 2 forests on the right, one in front of my DZ, one in front of his. A small hill is in the center, and a wall and shack on the left.
Legion Deployment
Wanting to take advantage of the terrain, my army deploys to the right, behind the forests. Saeryn and the Spell Martyrs deploy behind them - I'm not really sure why. I get the first turn so its not like they can get sniped. I'm going to have to start talking to more experianced players about deployment.
Cygnar Deployment
The Black 13th and Rangers deploy across from my army, also behind forests. Caine, Stormclad, Stormguard, and Storm Lances deploy in middle, I guess hoping to get to grips with me faster by going around the forest.
Legion Advance Deployment
Striders deploy as far up as they can, just to the left of the forests.
Legion Turn 1
Striders move up and spread out, hoping to threaten anything that moves forward while also blocking the Storm Lances. Beasts move into forest, while Spell Martyrs run around it. Saeryn puts Tenacity and Respawn on the Carnivean, and Spiny Growth on herself.
Cygnar Turn 1
The Rangers move through the forest, three moving all the way out the other side while 3 stay back. Black 13th stay in back of forest, just enough in to benefit from prowl. Storm Lances run forward, 2 engaging 2 Striders while the others hang back a bit. The Stormguard follow up, the front ones getting atop the hill for the DEF bonus. Caine helps even more by giving the Stormguard Blur as he walks up behind them. The Stormclad gets focus from the Stormguard to run up with them, also onto the hill.
Legion Turn 2
Unengaged Striders team up into 2 3-man CRAs and kill 2 Storm Lances, while their engaged companions flail pointlessly at 2 others. One gets backup from a Shredder, which fails to kill due to poor rolls, but Saeryn drops Blightbringer on it to finish the knight off. The Nephilim charges the 3 forward Rangers, killing 2 but missing the 3rd. Carnivean and Scythean shift to the left, getting towards the action near the center.
Cygnar Turn 2
Black 13th and remaining Rangers move up to form a firing line that kill the Nephilim after the lone engaged ranger tries to retreat but eats a free strike. Shooting from the Stormguard kills the forward Shredder, and the remaining 3 Storm Lances charge in and take out 4 Striders.
Legion Turn 3
The Striders take revenge for the fallen and kill one Storm Lance with a CRA. The remaining Shredder goes Rabid and runs into the Black 13th and Rangers who killed the Nephilim, and a Spell Martyr follows, dropping a Blightbringer that kills all but 1 Ranger and the leader of the Black 13th. Saeryn also moves Respawn to the Scythean before it charges in, killing the remaining Storm Lances and one of the Storm Guard. The Carnivean assaults in, but is too far to get in range, and Blur keeps the spray from doing anything. This is where I made my crucial mistake: I didn't feat.
Cygnar Turn 3
He immediately takes advantage of my foolishness by charging the Stormclad into the Scythean, taking it apart. It Respawns out of reach, and mostly blocked from the Stormguard by the Stormclad, but then Caine gives the Stormguard snipe and the Ranger moves up to mark my Carnivean. The Stormguard assault in, the two able to shoot the Scythean killing it, while the rest barely manage to kill my Carnivean. To highlight my stupidity, the killing blow is the last one, a melee strike from the only Stormguard who could get in range. With nothing able to take out the Stormguard or Stormclad, I concede.
This is exactly why I need to practice with my Warlocks. Had I feated, he wouldn't have been able to kill either the Scythean or the Carnivean, who could not only have taken apart the Stormclad, but also been targets for Blightbringer to kill off the Stormguard. Overall, I was pretty happy with how the list played. The Scythean was perfect for adding cheap hitting power, and the Shredder-Spell Martyr combination never fails to impress. I'm still getting used to the Nephilim Soldier - the way I played him this game, a Raek would've done much better for 1 point less. Still, I want to test how well Massacre works, as well as see if I can get a surprise assasination while under Saeryn's feat. Depending on how he does, I may replace him with the Blackfrost Shard. They're coming out in a few weeks, and while they look like staples in all 50 point lists, I've also been reading good things about them with Saeryn at 35.
Also, I've come to a decision on my new heavy Warbeast. He's in the mail and should arrive in a week - I'll reveal my choice then! I'm leaving the poll up for a few more days to see what you guys think. In the meantime, I'm going to try to get back on track with painting my army, so look for several painting posts this month.
-Nephilim Soldier
Striders + UA
2 Spell Martyrs
I went up against a Cygnar player - not the Haley fan I normally play against, but a more experianced player from another store. He was also trying out a new Warcaster, Prime Caine:
Full Stormguard
Full Storm Lances
Black 13th
Surprisingly range-light for Cygnar. We'll see how this shapes up.
There were 2 forests on the right, one in front of my DZ, one in front of his. A small hill is in the center, and a wall and shack on the left.
Legion Deployment
Wanting to take advantage of the terrain, my army deploys to the right, behind the forests. Saeryn and the Spell Martyrs deploy behind them - I'm not really sure why. I get the first turn so its not like they can get sniped. I'm going to have to start talking to more experianced players about deployment.
Cygnar Deployment
The Black 13th and Rangers deploy across from my army, also behind forests. Caine, Stormclad, Stormguard, and Storm Lances deploy in middle, I guess hoping to get to grips with me faster by going around the forest.
Legion Advance Deployment
Striders deploy as far up as they can, just to the left of the forests.
Legion Turn 1
Striders move up and spread out, hoping to threaten anything that moves forward while also blocking the Storm Lances. Beasts move into forest, while Spell Martyrs run around it. Saeryn puts Tenacity and Respawn on the Carnivean, and Spiny Growth on herself.
Cygnar Turn 1
The Rangers move through the forest, three moving all the way out the other side while 3 stay back. Black 13th stay in back of forest, just enough in to benefit from prowl. Storm Lances run forward, 2 engaging 2 Striders while the others hang back a bit. The Stormguard follow up, the front ones getting atop the hill for the DEF bonus. Caine helps even more by giving the Stormguard Blur as he walks up behind them. The Stormclad gets focus from the Stormguard to run up with them, also onto the hill.
Legion Turn 2
Unengaged Striders team up into 2 3-man CRAs and kill 2 Storm Lances, while their engaged companions flail pointlessly at 2 others. One gets backup from a Shredder, which fails to kill due to poor rolls, but Saeryn drops Blightbringer on it to finish the knight off. The Nephilim charges the 3 forward Rangers, killing 2 but missing the 3rd. Carnivean and Scythean shift to the left, getting towards the action near the center.
Cygnar Turn 2
Black 13th and remaining Rangers move up to form a firing line that kill the Nephilim after the lone engaged ranger tries to retreat but eats a free strike. Shooting from the Stormguard kills the forward Shredder, and the remaining 3 Storm Lances charge in and take out 4 Striders.
Legion Turn 3
The Striders take revenge for the fallen and kill one Storm Lance with a CRA. The remaining Shredder goes Rabid and runs into the Black 13th and Rangers who killed the Nephilim, and a Spell Martyr follows, dropping a Blightbringer that kills all but 1 Ranger and the leader of the Black 13th. Saeryn also moves Respawn to the Scythean before it charges in, killing the remaining Storm Lances and one of the Storm Guard. The Carnivean assaults in, but is too far to get in range, and Blur keeps the spray from doing anything. This is where I made my crucial mistake: I didn't feat.
Cygnar Turn 3
He immediately takes advantage of my foolishness by charging the Stormclad into the Scythean, taking it apart. It Respawns out of reach, and mostly blocked from the Stormguard by the Stormclad, but then Caine gives the Stormguard snipe and the Ranger moves up to mark my Carnivean. The Stormguard assault in, the two able to shoot the Scythean killing it, while the rest barely manage to kill my Carnivean. To highlight my stupidity, the killing blow is the last one, a melee strike from the only Stormguard who could get in range. With nothing able to take out the Stormguard or Stormclad, I concede.
This is exactly why I need to practice with my Warlocks. Had I feated, he wouldn't have been able to kill either the Scythean or the Carnivean, who could not only have taken apart the Stormclad, but also been targets for Blightbringer to kill off the Stormguard. Overall, I was pretty happy with how the list played. The Scythean was perfect for adding cheap hitting power, and the Shredder-Spell Martyr combination never fails to impress. I'm still getting used to the Nephilim Soldier - the way I played him this game, a Raek would've done much better for 1 point less. Still, I want to test how well Massacre works, as well as see if I can get a surprise assasination while under Saeryn's feat. Depending on how he does, I may replace him with the Blackfrost Shard. They're coming out in a few weeks, and while they look like staples in all 50 point lists, I've also been reading good things about them with Saeryn at 35.
Also, I've come to a decision on my new heavy Warbeast. He's in the mail and should arrive in a week - I'll reveal my choice then! I'm leaving the poll up for a few more days to see what you guys think. In the meantime, I'm going to try to get back on track with painting my army, so look for several painting posts this month.
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