Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Introducing the Scythean

This has been a long time in coming, so I won't delay any further. Introducing the newest addition to the Legion, the Scythean!
It was a really tough choice, but in the end, it came down to the fact that 3 of my 4 Warlocks support melee beasts much better than ranged ones. Still, the Ravagore proved to be a force to be reckoned with, and I'll probably be picking one up sooner rather than later. The poll results were pretty surprising - while I expected the Scythean and Typhon to have a lot of fans, I didn't expect the Angelius to get so much attention. I'll have to take another look at him.

There's a surprise though - the Scythean didn't show up alone. In fact, just like his big brother, the Carnivean, he's brought a full entourage with him:
The main reason I picked the extra Shredders up was they work so well with Epic Thagrosh. Between his feat and Manifest Destiny, a pack of Shredders can tear apart the opponent's army, and with a 24" threat range, they are also a serious threat to the enemy Warcaster.

I'm pretty psyched about all these new models, but I think my Carnivean was getting jealous. He brought along his posse to remind the new guy who the top dog is!

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