Saturday, October 2, 2010

Carnivean Painted

Another painted mini to show off - this time its the star of the last game, my Carnivean!

Since this guy was bigger, I was able to just paint the skin light blue, the did the claws and scales in Coal Black. It doesn't show up well in the pictures, but I also did the gums and tongue pink, with white for the teeth. Lastly, I felt the solid black was a little too much for the face and scales, so I lightly brushed some white over it. The first attempt was too much, but I then covered it with more Coal Black, and it came out looking really nice, a kind of weathered, wintery look.

First thing to say is wow, this guy took a while to do. I spent a good hour and a half just doing the skin on the top half, then another hour doing the scales. I took a break to see Easy A with some friends (awesome movie, I highly recommend it), then came back the day after and did the lower half, which took even longer. Why did Everblight have to give them 4 legs!? On the plus side, I'm really happy with how he turned out. I'll definitely be proud to throw it down on the gaming table, especially since at my last game, there was a 7 year old was asking me when I was going to get my game winner painted!

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