One book I have been looking for lately was Hordes Primal MkII, partially so that I had a reference for all the game rules, but also so I could read some of the stories. By a stroke of luck, my regular gaming store got a copy in, so I spent some time today reading through it. The main thing that gripped my attention was the history - it was written by Magnus, and portrayed him in a very different light than I expected. He seemed more like a jaded old warrior who understood his country's survival required leaders to make difficult, damning choices rather than a mindless supporter of a tyrannical despot. He seems a lot more like a caster I would want to play, except I just discovered another player that plays him (see the battle report from yesterday). I flipped through his list and found it to be pretty shallow - I would most likely be running the same Warjacks as my friend, as well as similar solos. The infantry would be a little different, but close enough that it would feel like I was playing the same army, which is not something I want.
On the upside, reading through Mercenary lists gave me an idea for another army: a sort of travelling circus, stuffing in as many different characters as I could. The only problem with this idea is who to lead it? The options quickly whittled down to Magnus, Drake McBain, and Ashlynn, as the Dwarves seemed limited to Searforge jacks and units, and the Pirates work best with Sea Dogs and Press Gangers. I've got some Retribution lists from last time I thought about playing a WM army, so I'll try to put a circus list and see how it looks. Who knows, maybe if I start mercs a Magnus army will be an alternative option.
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