Saturday, October 2, 2010

Musings about how to expand my army

So I've been thinking a lot lately about how to expand my army, and thought I would share my thoughts with you guys. I've spent some time reading up on the Legion and figuring out which models I think are cool, and have a list of the following

Rhyas - its hard to argue with a leather-clad sword-wielding ninja assassin. Also since I have her twin sister it would be cool to use them both in a team game (assuming I ever manage to get 100 points)
Epic Thagrosh - the model looks awesome, and hes a giant ogre/dragon hybrid

Nephilim Soldier - mutated winged sword elf? Yes please. Also fills the roll of a light warbeast, which I currently don't have

Striders - I'd like to have some ranged backup, and after reading the forums, it seems like these guys have pretty much replaced blighted archers in that department
Swordsmen - uber lethal emotionless warriors definitely seem like fun to try out. Weapon Master is also an excellent bonus
Warmongers - blighted ogres also caught my eye, and I like the idea of carving through packs of infantry more than the throw-and-assault style of warspears

Shepherd - Cheap fury management, lets me run my beasts hot and not suffer for it.
Strider Deathstalker - Similar to striders in providing ranged backup, but less points intensive; I've been reading up a bit and it seems like 2 are better value than the base stalkers, but stalkers with the UA have more to offer if you're willing to shell out the points
Warmonger Warchief - a warmonger that keeps my other warmongers from chopping each other up. Something I'm definitely going to want if I get the warmongers (warmonger warmonger warmonger)

So thats the list - pretty long to be sure, but they're just ideas. I feel like right now, the two things I want to add are a unit, to boost my woefully low numbers, and some ranged support. With that in mind, I posted the following three ideas on the Privateer Press forums. People who know the game well may notice all of these bring me up to 35 points, which seems like a standard game size

Option 1:
Swordsmen Unit + UA
2 Strider Deathstalkers

Option 2:
Warmonger Unit
2 Strider Deathstalkers

Option 3:
Striders + UA
Warmonger Warchief

Results came back overwhelmingly in favor of option 3, though it was suggested I replace the Warchief with a Totem Hunter (a Minion solo). It seems good based on the card, but I'm not sure I like the flavor that much, and I also though about using Gudrun. While I like his flavor more, I don't think a drunken lout would fit in well with the rest of my Legion. In the end, I decided on something else - I'm going to get Epic Thagrosh, who, with his 3 fewer warbeast points, brings me up to 35. It means I won't be able to play Lylyth or Saeryn at 35, but for now I'm just psyched about getting Everblight's Messiah!

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