Saturday, October 23, 2010

Painting Spell Martyrs and new model assembled

While waiting for a game this week, I started painting my Spell Martyrs. Unfortunately, I'm not very happy with how they came out, but here are the pics anyway:

I don't really like how the skin turned out - I'm going to try to pick up a grey and match that with white hair on my last one. On the bright side, I did learn a few cool things. Radiant Platinum came out much better than I had expected. It seems really watery when painting, but put enough layers on and it comes out really nice when it dries. It also looks great on areas that are supposed to be cloth - its a bit small in the pictures but if you look between the legs of the 2nd Martyr you can see some of it. I think I'll use that for the cloaks on my Striders. Finally, if you put a light layer of Radiant Platinum over Thamar Black, it picks up the reflective flecks, making it seem like a very dark silver. It looks really evil, and I can't wait to try it out on some weapons!

I also got the first of my new models assembled. Time to meet my newest warlock, Thagrosh the Messiah:
This guy really is a beast! Here he is next to my Carnivean so you can get a sense of just how titanic he is:
Thagrosh was a real pain to assemble - trying to get all 3 limbs to touch the ground was really tough, and several times I thought I had it, but ended up having to pull them off and start over. I'm really glad he's done though. Next up, Striders!

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